Thursday, March 20, 2008

10 Organizing Tips for Travel

1. Make a master list of items to be packed
2. Now remove 30-50% of the clothes/shoes (you generally wear 20% of what you bring)
3. Pack liquids or items that may leak in ziploc bags
4. Pack a few extra ziploc bags, they are always handy and you can easily see what is in them
5. Do not pack medicines and important items in suitcases that will be checked (carry them with you)
6. Use a poly translucent file folder (see through) to hold your ticket, hotel, car and other registration information.
7. Make sure your suitcase has your name and cell phone # on it at least twice, plus inside the suitcase
8. Every suitcase looks the same - put something unique on yours so someone else doesn't accidentally pick it up by mistake. Use colored straps, bright ribbons, stickers, be creative!
9. Do your ears get plugged up when flying? Use "Ear Planes" - these are ear plugs for airplanes and they work great. It filters the noise (but you can still hear the attendants/pilot), plus it prevents your ears from popping and getting plugged up. They are available at most drug stores, general stores and grocery stores.
10. Remember to bring all your medicines and vitamins with you.

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